conference: Perspectives of Germany and Poland on the Future of Gas in Europe
18 czerwca 2018 - 18 czerwca 2018 9:00 Warszawa, Zielna 37 sala Europa
Perspectives of Germany and Poland on the Future of Gas in Europe
The Visegrad Insight and the Heinrich Böll Foundation in Warsaw invite to international public conference to discuss with politicians and experts differentiated perspectives of Germany and Poland on the future role of gas as a part of the national energy strategies, but also of the common ambitious European energy and climate policy. Geopolitics, economy, but also technology and ecology are the issues that are the most important in the Polish-German discussion about the European energy solidarity and security. How do the questions concerning the role and use of gas impact the relations between the European countries and the EU as a whole? In what way can an understanding for different interests and a constructive dialogue about the current state and future vision of the European energy security be developed?
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