
12th Congress of Societas Humboldtiana Polonorum ,,PANDEMIC and its IMPACTS"

30 czerwca 2023 - 2 lipca 2023 ul. Kopcińskiego 8/12, 90-232 Łódź., Wydział Prawa i Administracji Uniwerstetu Łódzkiego

Societas Humboldtiana Polonorum SHP), the Scientific Society of former scholarship holders of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, was established in 1989. Since then, SHP has been organizing, every three years, three-day scientific meetings/congresses to bring together scholars, united by the prestigious Alexander von Humboldt “Trademark of Excellence”, to explore varied understandings and experiences, discuss current and emerging topics of global importance, and last, but not the least, to enjoy conversations among above-average scholars and friends. The 12th Congress will be held in Lodz, Poland, and its theme, “Pandemic and its impacts”, is aimed as a continuation of the earlier topics of the previous SHP congresses: 11th-"Science in the age of globalization" and 10th-"Longevity a blessing or a curse".

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