
Wystawa "The Bridge over the River Vistula at Tczew"

W roku 2008 europejskie stowarzyszenie na rzecz ochrony zabytków i krajobrazów Europa Nostra (siedziba w Den Haag, Holandia) organizuje swoja coroczna konferencje w Newcastle nad Tyne, na pólnocy Anglii. W ramach programu towarzyszącego zostanie pokazana wystawa prezentujaca pruski most kolejowy przez Wisłę w Tczewie/Dirschau, zbudowany w latach 1845-1855. W okresie powstania był najdłuższym mostem na świecie.

Obejmuje ona 50 tablic z tekstami i podpisami w języku niemieckim, polskim i angielskim.
Autor: prof. dr. Wielanda Ramma z Politechniki w Kaiserlautern.
Termin i miejsce: 6. – 21. czerwca 2008, Centrum Sztuki w Newcastle Anglia/Wielka Brytania

A photo documentary exhibition with texts in English, German and Polish on the Bridge over the River Vistula at Tczew/Poland (formerly Dirschau, West Prussia) (birthplace of Johann Reinhold Förster who accompanied Captain Cook on his voyages round the world). The exhibition will be opened on Friday 6th June 2008 at 6 p.m. Also at the Newcastle Arts Centre on Wednesday 11th June 2008 at 11 a.m. Professor Dr. Wieland Ramm (Technical University, Kaiserslautern/Germany) will talk (in English) on the construction and history of the bridge. This exhibition and talk take place as part of the events of Europa Nostra, the largest NGO pan-European federation of associations and interested persons for the preservation of historic buildings and landscapes, 11th - 15th June in Newcastle and area, in particular its Forum on "The Engineering Heritage" on Friday 13th June, also as part of the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue 2009 is the 150th anniversary of the death of Robert Stephenson (1803 - 1859) whose Newcastle factory began the first serial production of locomotives in the World in 1824 and who was responsible for the construction of the High Level Bridge (1849) and the Central Station (1850) with the Newcastle-Carlisle and London-Edinburgh railways.

The exhibition together with an accompanying book (in German and Polish) was conceived and prepared by Prof. Ramm with the help of other German and Polish experts, in particular from the Technical University in Gdansk(Danzig)/Poland. It has been shown in Poland, Germany, Switzerland and Spain. The exhibition and talk in Newcastle have been made possible in particular by Prof. Ramm himself, with help and support from Europa Nostra, the Newcastle Arts Centre, Angus Fowler and Magda Prosinska and especially by a grant from the Foundation for Polish-German Cooperation (Fundacja Współpracy Polsko-Niemeckiej)/Warsaw/Poland.